The latin dance fitness is a activity that y move your body, he make a good cardio and it's very original. I had rarely heard about this new activity. Lacross is a contact sport, he make a good cardio too, every time your body move because you run all the time and finally, he make a big muscles. I think the boys like to have a big muscles.
In my school, he have a team of soccer, basketball, football but there is not everybody who participate in this activity then it's not everybody who are healthy physical and it's important in the current life to live a healthy and active life.
I believe that the school sould be integrate the two news sports to make move the young people and for keep a good physical conditions.I have a good question for the personal in my school. Why the school does not make the personal decesion to integrate a new activity for move your students and for keep a school in health?
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